Training for the Verkhovna Rada

Training for the Verkhovna Rada
27 October 2010
Training for the Verkhovna Rada
IBSER Experts Trained the Verkhovna Rada Staff

     On 27 October 2010, IBSER experts took part in delivering a seminar for the Secretariat staff of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Budget on the topic The Main Principles of Effective Medium-Term Management of Budget Funds.
     The event was organized by the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, which is part of the Westminster Consortium for Parliament and Democracy, under the implementation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Assistance Program intended for improving the qualifications of the Verkhovna Rada staff to meet the present and future needs of the Verkhovna Rada through delivery of a series of training seminars.
     IBSER experts have been engaged to develop a training program and deliver parliamentary training workshops designed to improve the understanding of the state-of-the-art international practices in the area of financial supervision and control.
     The seminar participants were introduced to the principles of strategic planning and coordinating with the budget process, approaches to medium-term budgeting and monitoring, as well as the evaluation of budget programs.
     The skills learned at the seminar can be used by the Secretariat staff when reviewing legislative drafts, which could influence budget indicators in the future, and when analyzing the draft State budget indicators, in particular those contained in budget requests.