presented In a Handbook entitled "Use of financial instruments for realization of local infrastructure development projects and energy conservation", has been posted with educational, standard and methodical materials necessary for the application of mechanisms of financing of investment programs (projects) by local governments and utility companies.
Presented the international experience of individual kinds of mechanisms. Special attention is paid to mechanisms for the implementation of energy saving projects, as well as funds from international financial organizations for implementation of investment programs (projects).

Publication was prepared by IBSER to highlight the phases in implementation of the Performance Program Budgeting (PPB) method at the national and local levels.
The compilation contains the materials, which provide illustrative examples of efficient planning and use of budget resources for the benefit of cities and their communities submitted by partner cities of the Municipal Finance Strengthening Initiative project and Municipal Finance Strengthening Initiative (MFSI-II) Roll-out project, designed to strengthen the capacity of cities to plan and finance local development projects.
The publication is intended for a wide audience and is expected to help popularize the achievements and best practices of PPB at the local level.

The booklet is devoted to budgeting issues of the State’s gender and environmental policy, where the Performance Program Budgeting (PPB) is described as an effective tool of budget planning and execution, with due account for the gender and environmental components.
The booklet is intended for a broad audience and will promote a dialog with the general public towards support of PPB implementation at the local level.
It’s published both in Ukrainian and English, circulation – 500 samples each.