Training Started for Specialists of Newly Created Associated Territorial Communities

Training Started for Specialists of Newly Created Associated Territorial Communities
29 January 2016
Training Started for Specialists of Newly Created Associated Territorial Communities
   Jointly with MOF, MFSI-II experts have launched a series of cluster conferences for the staff of newly established territorial communities. The first such conference was held on 29 January 2016 in the city of Kyiv for specialists from the Kyiv, Cherkasy, and Chernihiv oblasts.
   Discussed at the conference were the special circumstances in the operation of the budgets of associated territorial communities, which have direct inter-budget relations with the State budget.
   Special focus was made on highlighting the legal foundations and key aspects of the Performance Program Budgeting for local budgets. This issue is extremely topical for the specialists of newly established communities, since it is them who will start developing their budgets based on PPB as required by the Budget Code of Ukraine.
   This event is a continuation of IBSER's work of introducing progressive budgeting techniques (PPB) at the level of local budgets.