Press conference with Glavred

Press conference with Glavred
25 December 2009
Press conference with Glavred
Leading experts summarized economic results 2009

     The end of the year is the time to sum up the results. Probably, the most distinctive feature of the expiring year is the financial and economic crisis. Did the government manage to pass this test? What was necessary to do and what has been done? What are main economic risks of the incoming year?
     These and other issues have been discussed during the round table talks “Economic Outcome 2009, which were held on December 25, 2009 in the press center of Glavred Media Holding with the participation of:
     - Iryna Shcherbyna, Director General of the Institute for Budgetary and Socio-Economic Research; 
     - Yaroslav Zhalilo, President of the Anti-Crisis Research Center;
     - Serhiy Yaremenko, a former Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine; and 
     - Oleg Ustenko, the Chief Executive Officer of the International Bleyzer Foundation.

     Round table materials and full shorthand records of the event are available at our web-site in the “Media about us” section.