
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Ukraine Report for 2014-2015 Approved
03 February 2017

On 1 February, the Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG), made up of the representatives of government, companies, and civil society, approved the report on payments and revenues from extraction industries in Ukraine for the period of 2014-2015. Experts of USAID’s MFSI-II Project constantly take part in MSG meetings and provide with recommendations, in particular on improving EITI report.

Compared with the first report for 2013, which covered only oil and gas industries, the second report encompasses coal, iron ore, manganese and titanium industries as well; and tracks the progress in each industry achieved in the implementation of EITI in Ukraine.

The report also contains information about each of the extractive industries, outputs, export and import of minerals, transmission of oil and gas, and results of reconciliation of tax and non-tax payments by business entities, data about beneficiary owners, disclosure of payments on the regional level.

For the representatives of active civil society, the report will serve as the instrument in promoting transparency of the extractive industries and disclosure of extractive companies, as well as raising public awareness on EITI and its importance for the Ukrainian citizens.